St. Gerard Majella

St. Gerard Majella

St. Gerard Majella, the patron saint of expectant mothers, led an extraordinary life. His feast day is celebrated on October 16 by the Catholic Church.

He performed many miracles and even had the gift of prophecy.

To this day, expectant mothers all over the world continue to pray to St. Gerard and ask for his intercession. Many miracles during pregnancies and deliveries of babies have been attributed to this amazing saint.

Catholics often give St. Gerard Majella items as gifts to pregnant mothers, including St. Gerard medals, books, rosaries and more.

St. Gerard Majella was born in 1726 in the town of Muro, Italy. He was one of seven children in his family, and he grew up in poverty. Some say that his life of poverty gave him love and respect for the poor.

The miracles of St. Gerard Majella include:

  • St. Gerard Majella brought a boy back to life after the boy fell from a cliff
  • Getting rid of a mouse infestation in a farmer’s crop after simply blessing it
  • Causing a poor family’s wheat supply to last an extra season by blessing it
  • Causing bread to multiply for poor people
St. Gerard
St. Gerard gifts from include holy cards and medals.

The miracle associated with his patronage for pregnancy happened just before he passed away. His handkerchief had fallen from his hands and a young girl tried to return it to him, but he said “You may need it someday.”

Many years later, she married and was about to have a baby. But she went into labor early and it seemed she would lose her child. The handkerchief was applied to her and prayers were said, and immediately her pain stopped and she gave birth to a healthy infant.

St. Gerard Majella died in 1755. He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII on January 29, 1893, and later, on December 11, 1904. he was canonized by Pope Saint Pius X.

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